Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Florida Career College at Jingle Ball ‘09 - Florida

This weekend at Jingle Ball ‘09 we helped FCC get about 60 viable leads while significantly improving their image and interacting with our target audience in a way that we rarely find the opportunity.

FCC sponsored the entire stage for Battle of the Bands outside the BAC and had two 10x10 booths (one on Fashion Avenue and one in the College Corner) featuring a RTW tickets and a meet and greet with Flo Rida as well as mini-rocker hairstyles, mini-massages, and mini-makeovers.



Our Meet and Greet Winner, Michaela Paige, of Boca Raton, who is also an amazing recording artist – see her site, www.michaelapaige.com.”

The winning band in the annual Teen Link Battle of the Bands, Spinlight City.

The official Battle of the Bands and Pre-Show stage

Monday, June 29, 2009

Florida Career College

Advertising & Marketing

New deals are getting done to boost marketing businesses

South Florida Business Journal - by Jeff Zbar

Fresh off its advertising and marketing account win of Florida Career College, Green Advertising, Boca Raton, is launching a wide-spread “career corrections” campaign. The concept ties into the trend of people downsized from jobs looking for new careers, and high school grads pursuing specific career opportunities, said Phyllis Green, the agency’s CEO. The incumbent agency had been Lead Advantage in Birmingham, Ala.

The campaign focuses on fast-growing industries, like healthcare and business technology. The client selected Green as “a non-traditional ad agency that could provide us with all the interactive, viral, social networking and TV components plus media buying power, under one roof,” said Bruce Turiansky, FCC’s director of advertising and P.R.

Media includes truck and bus advertising in Tampa. Jacksonville, West Palm Beach and Miami / Fort Lauderdale will follow later this year, said Green, who heads the shop, a division of Pace Advertising, Inc./WPP Group Worldwide.

Friday, May 29, 2009



From Facebook and Twitter to countless interactive elements, OrzelVodka.com is the new wave of Vodka Web sites

WESTON, FL (May 11, 2009) – ORZEL Vodka, a luxury vodka like no other on the market, is introducing a new way to communicate with their consumers – social media.

         ORZEL has recognized the trend of utilizing social media to capture new consumers and keep existing consumers returning to OrzelVodka.com, and has maximized this opportunity. In addition to their cutting-edge site, ORZEL also utilizes seven different networking sites to stay in contact with consumers: YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, flickr, twitter, Ning and netvibes.

         “We have designed our Web site to be a completely interactive site,” said Francisco Tonarely, CEO of Heritage Brands and ORZEL Vodka. “It is more than the typical point and click sites. OrzelVodka.com engages the viewers by having them participate in games, live chat sessions and more. By subscribing to ORZEL’s social networking sites, viewers will receive up-to-date information on all upcoming ORZEL promotions and events. It’s our way of keeping our consumers in the know and in touch on a regular basis.”

         The ORZEL Web site is broken down into five categories: Mix, Life, Scene, Play and Discover. The
Mix section includes recipes for all adults to try. Life provides an overview on the history of ORZEL, along with the distilling process. Guests can view all of ORZEL’s event photos, news clips and upcoming contests in the Scene section. This is also where links to ORZEL’s social networking sites can be found.

         One of the most unique elements of OrzelVodka.com is the
Play section. This is where viewers can engage in games such as Eagle Eye, a memory game, and Mixologist, where viewers can create their own ORZEL cocktail recipes. The Discover section on the Web site offers contact information, as well as a listing of local restaurants and bars where ORZEL is available, and other useful links.

       “In this ever-changing industry, it is important to remain top of mind,” said Courtlandt McQuire, President & Creative Director of Green Advertising. “To accomplish this, you must not only evolve with technology, but integrate new concepts. ORZEL Vodka is on the forefront of this new technological wave, and has incorporated social networking into its marketing and promotional plans.”

Heritage Brands, Inc., responsible for bringing ORZEL Vodka to America, is headquartered in South Florida and located at 2500 Weston Road, Suite 313, Weston, Florida. For more information about the brand and the creators, please visit www.heritagebrandsinc.com, www.OrzelVodka.com or call 954-659-7701.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Florida Career College


Boca Raton, FL April 3, 2009 With a 25-year successful track record of providing educational courses and hands-on training for Florida’s fastest growing industries, Florida Career College has now taken its own course correction in selecting Green Advertising as agency of record, to handle all advertising and marketing initiatives.

Florida Career College, with its eighth campus soon to open in Jacksonville, is aggressively marketing its educational programs in Allied Healthcare, business technology and other proven job careers, that offer opportunities in this challenging economy.
Green Advertising is spearheading all interactive marketing, media planning, creative strategy, and a new exciting website with an intuitive CMS system. The architecture of the CMS empowers FCC to control and manage their website while continually generating ‘fresh’ content that drives people back to the site.

In selecting Green, Bruce Turiansky, Director of Advertising and Public Relations for FCC said,” We needed a non-traditional ad agency that could provide us with all the interactive, viral, social networking and TV components plus media buying power, under one roof. With Green we found the right marketing partner who could create, produce and edit TV spots in their state-of-the-art in-house edit suite. With plans for an ever-increasing number of direct response TV spots scheduled for five specific markets, this was a huge factor in our decision.”

Turiansky added , “Green’s creative and media resources are cutting edge as well, for targeted direct mail, outdoor, radio, and most importantly, tracking methodology and analytics to determine cost per lead per media.”

Driving potential college candidates to www.TheCollegeThatCares.com is a major focus, reaching out to both new high school graduates and the vast number of adults in the state who may be unemployed, or concerned about their career future, and are looking for a new career direction.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Phyllis Green
561.989.9550 ext.223


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fast Lane

Straight shooter

How to form trusting relationships with your employees

By Meredyth McKenzie
Smart Business Broward/Palm Beach | February 2008

Phyllis Green is a straight shooter. She tells it like it is to both employees and clients and looks people straight in the eye during conversations to establish trust.

“You can tell me anything,” Green says. “I may not be happy, but tell it; we’ll work through it
and move on.”

This philosophy has helped the chairman of Green Advertising create trust among her 38 employees at the advertising firm — a division of Pace Advertising Inc./WPP Group Worldwide — and achieve 2006 revenue of $32.4 million.

Smart Business spoke with Green about how trusting relationships lead to confident employees with strong decision-making skills.

Phyllis Green<br />chairman, Green Advertising

Phyllis Green - chairman, Green Advertising

Q. How do you develop trusting relationships with employees?

Two-way communication of honesty and trust. If employees know they can be treated with respect, you can honestly communicate with them.

A trusting relationship is being able to depend on a person and being treated with respect. It’s also culture. If every employee sees that the top people are committed to doing the right thing, then that trust is generated at every level.

Employees trust the company, they trust management, clients trust management. It’s a culture where employees realize they are going to be treated morally and fairly. There are nomagic words to a trusting relationship; it just builds on communication and honesty.

Communicate the expectations from the top down and what employees can expect from management.
It’s having an open-door policy. But open door is just the beginning. If there’s a problem, expose it to the sunlight, open it up; otherwise, it just becomes a wound with a Band-Aid on it. The only way you solve a problem is to get everyone involved in one room and work toward solving it. Allow people to
participate in the solution.

Q. How do you create that culture?

Recognize that people are individuals and have lives outside of work. It goes a long way when management recognizes that people have families and responsibilities, and it goes beyond just asking someone on Monday, ‘How was your weekend?’

It’s recognition that a career is a career, a job is a job, but people are individuals, they have different needs. At the end of the day, they have a life. Recognize that they have this life and make adjustments in the workday that allow them to handle other aspects of their life and family.

Q. What are the benefits of developing trusting relationships with employees?

Employee retention because when people trust each other and management, they feel comfortable in their career. It creates an open, honest culture where employees feel recognized as individuals, and their opinions are validated.

They trust each other, and it creates a teamwork mentality.

Q. How do you encourage employees to make decisions on their own?

You know you can do things better and faster, but you can’t do it all. You have to delegate and understand that there are employees who will do it at maybe a 70 or 80 percent level, but it will help them grow, and the job will get done.

Allow employees to make a mistake or an error in judgment, but have them walk out with the problem that they walked in with. Help them arrive at a solution, but don’t take it upon yourself. And never say, ‘I’ll handle it.’

Be willing and committed to delegate responsibility. You can’t just say you’re going to delegate, you have to be committed to moving projects and decisions off your desk and into someone else’s hands.
Realize that you cannot do everything. As you grow your company and have to devote time to managing it and to the financial disciplines, you have to learn to delegate certain things that you may have been proficient at for years, but you no longer have the time to do and shouldn’t be doing.

Make decisions, then train the people who have the ability to handle those tasks to learn from you. Allow your employees to grow and make an effort not to be the smartest person in the room. Instead of having the answers, continually ask questions. If you have the answers, keep them to yourself.

Q. How does allowing people to make decisions benefit them?

The employee develops more confidence in their abilities. More confidence leads to better decision-making. It enables and empowers them to make decisions on their own. It also encourages them to look toward being promoted and to be more forthcoming asking for promotions, additional compensation and more responsibility.
As confidence develops, it’s sort of a circle because as people get the ability to make decisions, and confidence leads to the notion of, ‘I can do that. I wasn’t doing that six months ago, but I’m doing a great job at it today.’

HOW TO REACH: Green Advertising, (561) 989-9550 or www.greenad.com

Prehistoric pricing!

Advertising & Marketing:

Back to the future: Developer ads tout ‘prehistoric’ pricing
South Florida Business Journal - by Jeff Zbar

Prehistoric is back.

With real estate developers struggling to entice buyers in a market flooded with homes and uncertainty, Centerline Homes has turned to an innovative advertising campaign to promote low-price developments.

PreHistoricPricing.com is the developer’s new traditional and online campaign for five South Florida communities. Created by Green Advertising in Boca Raton, images evoke a feel for signs for the “Jurassic Park” movie and products. Ads show a dinosaur, pterodactyl and the headline “New Homes at Prices You Thought Were Extinct.”

The campaign debuted in late January on outdoor boards, direct mail, fence-wrap banners, radio and newspaper. It also includes a playful, even sappy, 30-second video of CEO Craig Perry and COO Steve Margolis. The onscreen copy reads: “Are you on an expedition for savings? Centerline Homes has unearthed something historic.” Then, Perry and Margolis find a “dinosaur bone” at Center

line’s Briella community in Boynton Beach.

Just a few years ago, demand was so high that condominiums and homes sold in days, agency President Phyllis Green noted. In today’s real estate market, the agency was challenged to redefine the new-home market landscape in an effort to motivate buyers and drive sales, she said. While traditional marketing campaigns in a soft economy focus on low prices as a driver, Green decided to hit harder, she said.

“Value, pricing, mortgages and record-breaking values have no resonance with consumers in this economy,” Green explained. Centerline’s previous campaigns, which focused on the company’s anniversaries or other events, wo

uld not have drawn much attention in today’s market, she said, adding: “These messages have the punch we were looking for. And they make people smile a little bit.”

The ads will run in South Florida for the foreseeable future, as well as in Central Florida for six Centerline communities there, Green said. Traffic is up locally, though Green couldn’t discuss actual figures. The video has logged hundreds of hits on YouTube, she said. “This could lead us into going more viral for additional Centerline communities.

“It isn’t just sales. It’s the traffic,” she said. “The graphic of the dinosaur and the message seems to be working.”

jeffzbar@gmail.com | (954) 346-4393

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Advertising & Marketing

Friday, January 9, 2009
Agencies reel in accounts, launch work; ad competition looms
South Florida Business Journal - by Jeff Zbar

Agencies are starting the new year with new work, while the tri-county area advertising federations call for entries in the industry’s most coveted advertising competition.

Green Advertising has been awarded the Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau media services account for fiscal year 2009. The agency, a division of Pace Communications/WPP Group Worldwide, will handle all media initiatives. This includes strategic media planning, targeted research and media placement. Work will be handled by Green’s Boca Raton office.

Media will target audiences including the consumer leisure, meetings and conventions, travel trade and targeted international markets, said Bill Vervaeke, the CVB’s VP of marketing and brand management.